Not-for-profit and other Official Documents
Los Pinos Children's Home


      The Law document defines the Children’s Home Los Pinos Civil Association as a Private Institution for Social Assistance. Its aim is:

   “To receive abandoned minors, and support them with house, moral and academic education.”"...and "establish houses for minors’ assistance."

(Escritura Constitutiva; cláusula 4a, incisos a y b )

    This organization was founded in December 4th, 1987 by a group of friends whose whishes were to help to the most needed people especially children. It started with a house for boys.

The Civil Association was done in the Notary number 17 in Guadalajara, Jalisco according to the law document number 5355. Date December 4th, 1987.

    Written in the Registro Publico de la Propiedad from Guadalajara, with the date of ”January 26th, 1988 under document number 25 from 285 to 299 from the book 41 from the fifth section of this office.”

    It was affiliated to the IJAS (Instituto Jalisciense de Asistencia Social) on February 2nd, 1988 thought out the

OFICIO No. 30 (1.22) 88 - 065, FILES 5 FOLIO 251.

    The Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico assigned the nip of the Registro Federal de Contribuyentes:

R.F.C.: AIP871204-MGO

    The Secretaria de Salud authorized us in March 27, 2001 with the number:
0102 the Activity 924100.

DEDUCTABILITY.   The Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico (SHCP) authorized to our Civil Association to give our donators a deductible receipt for their donations:

OFICIO NUMBER 389-I-8-2-293 DATE OCTOBER 27th, 1988.

    The ability to give these deductible receipts was published in the Diario Oficial (Official Dairy) on September 20th, 1991. Since that year this Institution has been included every year in this Diary on the list of the authorized Institutions by the SHCP to give deductible receipts. The last publication was done in the   Official Diary on July 7th, 2006.

    If you wish, you can check that information directly in the webpage of the SHCP:,You should click in the services (servicios) section and then click on donators (donatarios).

CLUNI    (Clave Unica de Registro de las Organizaciones Civiles).
Nip of registry for civil organizations. In 2005 was published the “Ley Federal de Fomento a las Actividades de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil” (Federal Law for the support of the activities of the Civil Organizations). This Law is looking forward the serious and the formality of the different institutions that ask for donations. On May 6th, 2005, the Children’s House Los Pinos A.C. received its document of registry with the number:


Irrevocable Commitment of the Assets Since 1994, the Law Document was modified in order to specify that the objectives of the assets are irrevocable. The assets can not be used for a different purpose that the Institution’s Social Objective. If this society disappears, its assets should be donated to other Association with similar activities. The final purpose of the assets is to help needed children, and this is the best way to guaranty the purpose.

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