In the Institution every child goes to the school. One of the most important aspects that we are interested in, is the abilites that the boys can learn with the different classes we provide. It is important that they can have many options whenever they start a work life. Some of the classes that we provide are:
Computer classes-
Every child participates in an interactive program that was developed exclusively for them. They learn how to use the most common programs of the labor market. Some children show a big ability using computers.
Reading classes-
A group of volunteers, managed by Mrs. Patrica Velarde and Mrs. Maria Concepcion Días de Bonilla, give reading classes. Knowledge is one of the bases of society and an important key to success. Reading a fundamental way to acquire knowledge, that is why we consider that this class is one of the best things that the boys can receive from our Institution.
Painting classes-
Specially designed to support the children that are interested in acquiring abilities for painting. They are constantly motivated to develop their artistic sensibility, and of course painting can be the best way to express it.
Tae-kwon-do classes-
This class is given to almost every child. Is a discipline that helps them to grow with tenacity, certainty, and character. At the same time, they reinforce their self esteem and personal security. Our children have competed in local and national tournaments, and they have developed successfully. As an example, three of our children have won in their category in national tournaments.
Expression and growth classes-
The objective of the class is that children get in contact with their creativity in order to obtain a better integration of their experiences to their personal and external world. They train their breathing and make relaxing exercises, as well as different activities of visualization and creativity, and they express themselves through art.
Hand made classes-
This class is given by Mrs. Cecilia Garcia de Quevedo, and it is focus on their ability to develop artesania. Motivate their creativity is a basic element in our Educational Model. We give them elements that can help them in their whole life, and this can not be done without the help of volunteers.
Classes outside the Children’s Home-
For the youngest ones, we look for external opportunities that allow them to acquire technical skills, such as: painting, carpentry, weld, etc. In general, they have taken classes in the Cecati or the Cereti, and in some cases they have been train in donator’s companies. It is vital that our boys acquire technical skills that wil become opportunities to succes in the future.
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