Los Pinos Children's Home


      ~ OUR  MISSION ~

Our mission is to give to the most needy boys a home, food, education, a family atmosphere, affection and all that they need to live with dignity, so that they may become self sufficient, good people, builders of a better, more just and more humane society.

The extreme poverty and hunger in which so many of our people live, one of the greatest injustices of our society, must be erradicated. The best way to combat this injustice is through EDUCATION; both for those who suffer hunger and alienation, as well as society in general.

Educating the people who live in extreme poverty gives them the necesary tools to free them from an unjust and inhumane situation.

Educating society will open up paths of justice so that alienated groups can escape from conditions of hunger and helplessness in which they find themselves.

The person who has the greatest possibility of finding a life of fulfillment and who will be a positive force in society, is that person who has developed a desire, a zeal, for ongoing personal betterment so that it becomes a way of life.

This way of life, built on a foundation of wanting to better the lives of all human beings, has as a natural consequence a personal commitment to build a better society, one that is more just and more humane.

One of the most profound joys that we experience is that of giving something of ourselves to the most needy. That is why a person who has adopted as a way of life the search for personal betterment helps those who have the least; which allows oneself the opportunity to enjoy a fuller life, immersed in a profound interior happiness.

Based on these three premises, a process of educating the whole person must be directed at concretizing in a person's life these two values: the fulfillment of each human being through a life long effort at personal betterment; and the search for happiness through reaching out to those who are in most need.

This is our goal for building a better world..

The first objective of the Children's Home is to create a home, an establishment for food, clothing, room and board, a family atmosphere, and an integral education, to the most needy, inspired by the Philosophy and Mission Statement of our Institution.

We want to make education the key element in what we give to these boys. We want this education to be integral, covering academics, job skills, emotional and psychological well-being, and a positive adjustment to society. Our education will be based in human and spiritual values, and permeated with the philosophy of personal development and fulfillment and the altruist spirit of the Home.

We strive to extend our service and educational effort to the context of the nuclear family of the child. We will search for solutions to the problems and changes in the dynamics of the family, problems which brought about the admission of the youngster to Los Pinos, so that the child can be reintegrated into his family and his world, as soon as possible.

We will make the children's homes we establish not only an educational option for the children and their families, but also for the adults and volunteers who carry out the work of the home and assure its future. We will inculcate in all of these persons a continuous striving for personal excellence, in all aspects of their lives.

We hope to raise the consciousness of society in helping the most needy, by means of the work that we do and the philosophy of the Institution, giving to all the community the choice of experiencing the joy of helping with donations of all kinds our most needy brothers and sisters.

To develop and collect sufficient economic resources so that the boys' home can operate with dignity and with the necessary elements to give adequate attention to the boys. The measurable and specific goal established by your Development Director is to receive donations amounting to 10% above the amount spent each month. This goal assures the economic stability of the Home and the creation of a subsistence fund for the long run, which guarantees the permanent operation of the Home.

To form a working team with highly professional personnel who have a proven dedication to service. We have established a system of quality standards, clearly defined, for each position in the organization, and we will review the results each trimester, and compare them to those established yearly for each operational area.

To establish for each boy an individualized plan covering educational needs, physical and emotional health, and monitoring his psychological and emotional adjustment. Every trimester we will review the progress of each resident and established concrete goals to be achieved in the following trimester. This plan will be placed in each child's cumulative file, with a copy given to the General Director for review.

To establish an anual trainig and team building program for all those persons who carry out responsibilities within the Home, as well as working together on behalf of the Home beyond its confines. Smestral evaluations will be made of these training and teamwork programs, documenting progress made toward bettering our team, all in an ongoing search to offer to these boys the highest level of educational quality.

Ongoing review of the Organizational Structure to assure that the goals and objectives of the Institution are met. Staff work assignments and schedules, as well as the activities of the boys, will be adjusted to ensure the best possible education for the boys and the optimum operation of the home.

Establishment of weekly evaluations with the educational team, and bimonthly with the Board of Directors, to review those areas which need improvement, so that the Institution can better meet its objectives.

A constant search for an educational effort which aspires to ever higher levels of excellence, and which seeks to produce in the teenagers of the Home ongoing personal growth as a human being.

In the area of fund raising, the most professional and up-to-date methods possible will be utilized. We will employ modern and effective techniques of marketing and public relations to obtain both national and foreign economic resources.


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